Prayers - Sick, Distressed & Bereaved

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Prayer Requests

Anonymous • Posted on 6/22/2024 • General

Please pray for the repose of the soul of SK Greg Grambor who passed away on June 19th. He was a member of Council 14084 and Assembly 3418.

Edward S. • Posted on 4/20/2024 • General

Our brother, John Montaldo PGK, PFN, FDD is requesting healing prayers for his mother Theresa Montaldo.

Mrs. Montaldo (who was a former Columbiette) has had a series of falls in the past 6 months with complications that follow to include a fractured hip. The cause of the falls has been arthritis on her knee not allowing full mobility or strength while walking.

She is currently in a rehabilitation facility in Zephyrhills FL for building strength and healing.

As you can imagine for her this is a lonely and scary ordeal even with supportive family and staff.

John is asking for calming and peaceful prayers during her rehab and minimal pain while gaining her strength back so she can return to her home.

Edward S. • Posted on 3/27/2024 • Death

Please pray for the repose of the Soul of Brother Michael Crawford, PGK, FDD, and State Hockey Chairman who passed away today after a short hospital stay. Brother Michael held several positions over the years at the State Level. Brother Mike's Funeral will be at Blesseds Sacrament in Clermont on April 29th apt at 11am.

Anonymous • Posted on 3/11/2024 • General

Please pray for Father Keving Yarnel pastor of St. Annes in Ruskin as he undergoes surgery for Prostate Cancer on March 12th.

Anonymous • Posted on 3/3/2024 • General

Please keep RA Gerald Grillo in your prayers as he will be undergoing throat surgery on Tuesday MArch 5th.

Edward S. • Posted on 3/3/2024 • General

Please keep in your prayers Mike Constanza DD52 who just had open heart surgery to have a valve replace.

Karl G. • Posted on 2/21/2024 • General

Grace Craine (widower of Charles Craine kofc for many years) has fallen and hit her head. She is in ORMC in the Neuro Trauma Unit with SEVERE SWELLING OF THE BRAIN.
she is in Critical Condition. PLEASE KEEP HER IN YOUR PRAYS.

Kenneth J. • Posted on 1/23/2024 • Death

Pray for the repose of the soul of SK Jim Ebbert, as well as the Ebbert family.

Karl G. • Posted on 12/5/2023 • Crisis

Past Grand Knight Steve Mcrobbie Council 13240 wife (Donna) is in need of prays for her health. She is in Orlando Regional with very serious medical condition.

Prayer Answered!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024: PAST AWAY ON FEB 1.2024

Edward S. • Posted on 12/1/2023 • General

Please keep Supreme Master Emeritus Dennis Stoddard PSD in your prayers as he struggles with health issues. He is home now.