State Retention Billing Procedure

  1. The Financial Secretary mails the membership bill "First Notice" (#423) 15 days before the billing period to each member.
  2. If payment is not received in 30 days, the Financial Secretary will mail the membership bill "Second Notice" (#424).
  3. If payment is not received within 30 days from the date the second notice was sent, the Financial Secretary will provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and amounts due for each member in arrears to the Retention Committee. The committee should include but is not limited to the Grand Knight, Council Retention chairman ; the Trustees; Financial Secretary; Treasurer; and proposer, if available.

    The Financial Secretary forwards a "Knight Alert" letter (#KA1) to each delinquent member, signed by the Grand Knight and Trustees.

    The Grand Knight will assign a member of the retention committee to telephone the delinquent member to remind him of his obligation. The committee member provides a written report of his findings to the Grand Knight. If the member is experiencing financial difficulty, the Grand Knight directs two committee members to visit the member and make arrangements to accommodate him with a payment plan or other financial arrangement acceptable to the council. Again, a full report is provided to the Grand Knight as to why the member is delinquent and is considering leaving the Order. Financial difficulty is not a valid reason for suspension!
  4. In and around September 15th, if the member still has not paid his dues, the "Notice of Intent (#1845) signed by the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary and the Conservation Report is to be prepared and signed by the Grand Knight and All Three Trustees.
    1. The "Original Copy" is sent to the delinquent member.
    2. The "Supreme Office Copy" is forwarded to the Department of Membership Records. The Supreme Knight then mails a personal letter to the delinquent member to convey the Supreme Knight's interest in having the member retain his "good standing" status.
    3. The "State Council Copy" along with the Conservation Report is mailed to the State Retention Director. He will write to the member, offering assistance and advising him that the District Deputy in his area is available to help with any particular problems.
    4. The "District Deputy Copy" is sent to the District Deputy. He telephones the delinquent member to discuss the nonpayment situation. In the course of the telephone visit, suggestions as to a possible solution should be recommended, and the District Deputy will volunteer to assist the member, if the need exists. The District Deputy determines whether personal contact has been made by the council. The response and reaction received from the delinquent member is recorded on the reverse side of the "District Deputy Copy" of the Form #1845 and then forwarded as soon as possible to the State Retention Director for review.
    5. The "Council Copy" is retained for council files. NOTE: NO (#1845) ARE TO BE SENT IN AFTER OCTOBER.
  5. If the delinquent member does not meet his obligation or arrange a satisfactory payment schedule within 60 days following processing of the Form #1845, the council may file a Membership Document (#100), indicating suspension. However, the Supreme Council office will not process the suspension unless a "Notice of Intent to Suspend" (#1845) has been on file for the required 60 days. Note: If the proper procedure is not followed by the Council, the State will request the form #100's be sent back to the council and not processed. This includes sending the (#1845) to Supreme bypassing the State.
  6. The "Notice of Intent to Suspend" (#1845) becomes null and void 90 days following the date it is recorded at the Supreme Council office. After the 90-day period has elapsed, the form will be removed from the file under the assumption the council has been successful in retaining the member.
  7. If, subsequently, the member on whom the council previously filed a "Notice of Intent to Suspend" (#1845) again becomes delinquent, the entire billing/retention process must be re-implemented as described.