General Information-Evangelization and Faith Formation
Supreme has recently come out with a new mission opportunity for us. Actually, it is a mission we as baptized Catholics all have and are responsible for. It is one of the missions Fr. McGivney established when he founded the Order. Fr. McGivney was concerned not only about the financial status of widows and children, and the lack of employment of fathers due to discrimination they received when they applied for jobs, but also for his congregation’s faith as they were tempted from all sides to turn from the faith of their fathers. We as knights have always taken our Faith seriously by living it through the love and charity we bring to others. But Fr. McGivney was also concerned with our ability to share the faith we love with others.
I think we can all agree that we do not live in a Christian culture or society! Who of us can look around the world, country, or our community and not notice the prevalence of immorality, the lack of respect for life, and the constant threats imposed upon the traditional family structure? As in Fr. McGivney’s time, our Faith is being threatened from all sides.
In addition to this, we have many Catholic men who have received their sacraments and have been catechized, but not evangelized. How many men in our parishes truly believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist and is ready to proclaim that to others? How many men know how to share the Faith that is in their hearts with others?
Today, young men are looking for Faith-centered approach to membership in the Knights of Columbus. They are looking for content and fraternity that will help them grow in faith and become better men, husbands, and fathers. Supreme has provided us the tools to support Catholic men, both members and non-members, to grow in their Faith, to become active Disciples of Christ, and to evangelize the Faith in both word and deed. It is call the Evangelization and Faith Formation initiative and the Cor Meeting.
The Evangelization and Faith Formation initiative and the Cor Meeting enables us to fulfill Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision and meet the needs of Catholic men, young and old.
“It was Father McGivney’s purpose in instituting the Knights of Columbus, to keep the young men of his parish within the household of the faith, to preserve them from the taint of infidelity…. It was his aim to surround his protégés with an atmosphere of religion and to bring them into even closer relationship to Mother Church.”
- Fr. O’Donnell’s Address
Monday, June 11, 1900
Attached to this webpage are file downloads containing preliminary information and guidelines to help you start COR Meetings within your parish and councils, including guidance on how to share this new intuitive with your pastors. Just click on "COR Meetings" at the bottom of this web page.
For more information from Supreme on how to run Cor, click on the following link: How to run Cor | Knights of Columbus (
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you and God bless you and your families.
Vivat Jesus,
Dcn. Paul Koppie, PSD
Faith Director
Florida State Council
Knights of Columbus