Fourth Degree Officers

John J. O'toole
Master Florida District
Michael R. McCusker
Supreme Master
Daniel E. Barton
Vice Supreme Master
REV Christopher A. Hoffmann
Florida District Friar
Martin L. Dunne, III
Assistant District Friar
Danny R. Mc Intyre
District Marshal
John J. O Malley
Executive Administrator to the Master
Ronald R. Brown
Exemplar Corps Director
Angel L. Rodriguez-Rivera
VAVS Director
Anthony R. Jette
Vice District Marshal Pensacola
Danny R. Mc Intyre
Vice District Marshal St Augustine
Bruce E. Winner
Vice District Marshal Orlando
Kenneth L. Jeffres, JR
Vice District Marshal St Petersburg
MR John F. Shelton, SR
Vice District Marshal Venice
Osmany S. Periu
Vice District Marshal Palm Beach
Rafael Egues, Jr.
Vice District Marshal Miami