Begin Election of Supreme Convention Delegates by Caucus

Caucus Election Process. The Caucus election process will also be conducted using the online election service ElectionBuddy, but as a secret ballot. • Delegates registered and paid as of May 18 will receive a notice on Wednesday, May 19 shortly after 6:00 AM via email and text for their election ballot from 2 • Each Delegate’s ballot will be Caucus-specific and list all nominees for that Caucus. If submitted, ballot will include candidate photo & short bios. • Each Delegate will rank the candidates on the ballot in order of his preference and submit the ballot according to the instructions sent with the ballot. Votes will be tallied by ElectionBuddy via an established preferential voting methodology. In essence, the candidates with the top two vote tallies will be the elected Delegates, as long as at least one of them is an Insurance member; otherwise, the Insurance member candidate with the highest will be selected as one of the Delegates. The Alternate Delegates will be selected in a similar fashion from the rest of the candidate election results. The process of ensuring that at least one Delegate and at least one Alternate Delegate from each Caucus are Insurance Members must be conducted separately from the election results tallied by ElectionBuddy and could alter those results. The election will run until 6:00 PM on Wednesday, May 26. Election results will be announced at the business session of the State Convention on May 29 and confirmed by a vote of the entire body, after which they will be posted on the State website.

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Wed, May 19

Begin Election of Supreme Convention Delegates by Caucus

by Florida Knights of Columbus

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 19

From 6:00 AM to 5/20/2021 5:00 AM

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Contact Information

Edward F. Sleyzak