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Council Celebrates with Veterans

Annual Veteran's Day luncheon has a new twist

Council 10055, San Marcelino Champagnat, has a long standing tradition of spending part of Veterans' Day at the Veterans' Hospital with a sponsored luch and social gathering. A grouop of council members and family members visits the veterans at the hospital the day before or after November 11th each year and  have a social gatheing that may extend throughout the afternoon. This year, we were able to make it happen on Veterans' Day itself

This year, as with everything else, the luncheon had a new twist. Our organizer for the event, PGK Sebastian Almazan, a veteran himself, coordinated pizza delivery to the hospital lunch room and a virtual Cisco meeting with the group. A group of  council members and veterans enjoyed  conversation and pizzs, the latter non-virtual, and even a passing priest doing his rounds joined in.

Thankfully, this activity did not have to be curtailed becauue of the pandemic and a good time was had by all. It sundescores the principle of our fourth degree, Patriotims, as we honor these men and women to whom we owe our freedom.