2024 State Convention Compensation
Compensation for Delegates, District Deputies, Regional Administrators, and State staff will be in accordance with the Florida State Council By-Laws, which is $50 per diem per day for two days plus round trip mileage at $0.25 per mile. Mileage is calculated between the physical address of the member's home Council and the Queen of the Universe Basilica in Orlando. A round-trip mileage of 50 miles or less will not be compensated. The above members will have the Convention Registration Fee and one Saturday Banquet ticket deducted from travel and per diem payments.
Councils should plan on reimbursing their Delegates for their hotel room costs. In addition, Councils should share in reimbursing the hotel room costs for their District Deputy.
District Deputies--please note that you cannot submit a Form 267DD to Supreme for reimbursement of expenses for the State Convention. Your compensation is the same as for Delegates, and will come from the State Council.
A very limited number of critical support personnel may be compensated for State Convention expenses. Requests for such compensation must be submitted through the State Warden or appropriate State Director and pre-approved by the State Deputy prior to the State Convention.