Star Tracker Reports

04.12.2024 Star Tracker Excel

04.12.2024 Star Tracker PDF


Please note the dates below of when the data was last updated:

4/11 - Council Status & Membership and Insurance Gains and Losses

4/01 - District Deputy Name & District Changes

4/11 - 365, 185, 1295-1, 1728, SP-7

4/11 – 944  *944 submissions received after Oct. 2nd are not reflected by default. DD Appeals for late submission credit for must be made through the state deputy.

4/08 - FBE

4/01 - NCD & Round Tables

4/11 - Holy Hours

4/11 - Safe Environment – Individual Member Status

4/08 - Safe Environment – Final Council Status

 Springhill had 41 members added by accident this has not been adjusted.  

*All Star Trackers represent the most current data available at the time of the creation of this report.

  Any forms mailed or emailed to Supreme are subject to processing time and may still be pending.