Affiliate Member Pilot Program

Affiliate Member FAQs

Affiliate Member Pilot Program Guidebook

Spanish On demand Affiliate Training


Training for the Affiliate Member Initiative took place on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 8 PM EST via webinar conducted by Supreme. If you missed the training, or want to review the training, an on-demand version will be found at this link when Supreme makes it available.

Window: The period for submission of Affiliate Member lists is 1-31 March 2022. This window is nonnegotiable.

Council Eligibility: Only councils with a Financial Secretary and Grand Knight may designate members for Affiliate status. This means that a current Form 185 is on file with Supreme.

Affiliate Member Eligibility:

  • Members exempted from dues may not be designated for Affiliate status. Such members include Honorary Life members, Priests, and members with an exemption waiver.
  • Inactive Insurance (designated as “N” under member type) members may not be designated for Affiliate status.
  • Members who ask to withdraw from the Order may not be designated for Affiliate status. The normal withdrawal process must be followed for these members.
  • Other members may be designated for Affiliate status if they have not responded to council engagement efforts for the most recent 18 months or longer. Specifically, all of the following engagement methods must have been attempted and failed:
    • Regular dues notices were sent, and dues were not paid, and
    • Emails were sent and ignored or bounced, and
    • Postal mail was sent and ignored or returned undeliverable, and
    • Phone calls were made and ignored or number not in service, and
    • The member has not been seen at Mass, meetings, or events

College Councils and Military Councils (those on a military base) have certain exceptions to these rules--see the guidebook for details.

There are also extenuating circumstances which Grand Knights should consider before finalizing Affiliate Member lists. Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Charter membership
  • Military deployment
  • College / University / Seminary attendance
  • Approved exemptions
  • Financial hardship, job loss
  • Medical hardship, convalescent home, or hospice care
  • Members who can no longer participate in council activities but want to retain their council association

Councils in the following Districts do not currently have an assigned District Deputy. Grand Knights in those Councils should forward their Affiliate Member lists for approval as follows:

District 19: Ron Ciampi (

District 28: Ron Ciampi (

District 39: Rick Hughes (

District 41: Rick Hughes (

District 43: Rick Hughes (

District 84: Ron Ciampi (

State Per Capita: The 2022 State per capita will be computed based on the membership numbers reported by Supreme as of April 1, 2022. It is strongly recommended that, if your Council is going to participate in the Affiliate Member Program, you should get your lists in as early as possible after March 1, so that Supreme has time to process those lists before March 31. If you wait until the end of March, you may find that your State per capita bill is larger than you anticipated.

For more detailed information on the program and procedures. Click the links below for published information on the Affiliate Member Pilot Program.

Affiliate Member FAQs

Affiliate Member Pilot Program Guidebook